In the heart of Ayodhya, a city steeped in history and mythology, the saga of the Ram Mandir unfolds over 500 years. The temple, dedicated to...
Death Penalty by Nitrogen Gas: An American woman was murdered 35 years ago. Which was done by Smith with betel nut. Now 35 years have passed...
Who has made the idol of Ram Mandir: Ram temple has been inaugurated in Ayodhya, along with which Ram Lalla has also been installed in the...
Pakistan on Ram Temple Babri Masjid: Ram Lalla was consecrated in Ayodhya on Monday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, President, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Adityanath, and many...
On Sunday night, a passenger train in Andhra Pradesh's Vizianagaram district derailed on its way from Visakhapatnam to Raigarh. In this accident, at least three people...
One of the most important and colorful festivals in India is Dussehra, or Vijayadashami, which is observed with tremendous zeal and jubilation all across the nation....
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who arrived to inaugurate the rapid train, emphasized the transformative impact of the second Namo Bharat Rapid Train, which will reduce a...